Pre-Shipment Inspections (PSI)

What is a pre-shipment inspection (PSI) ?


A PSI is a systematic onsite inspection of units selected at random from all batches of your order, conducted when production is 80-100% complete.

Where issues are found, a PSI provides a final opportunity to take corrective action before a production run is finished and packed. As such, they are an effective tool to safeguard you against costly import mistakes.


pre-shipment inspection service



Why Opt for a Pre-Shipment Inspection?

Navigating intricate supply chains can make it nearly impractical for most businesses to personally ensure the quality and adherence to specifications of their finished products before they embark on their shipping journey.

The perils associated with subpar product quality are substantial. In today’s landscape, captivating the discerning modern consumer is a challenge that requires precision. In the fiercely competitive realm of consumer goods, if your product falls short of their quality expectations or bears defects, you run the risk of losing them to a competitor in their next purchase decision.

Here, a pre-shipment inspection emerges as a beacon of reassurance, ensuring that your order is meticulously fulfilled before it sets sail.


The pre-shipment inspection serves as a checkpoint to:

– Validate that your supplier has meticulously met all agreed-upon specifications.
– Confirm quality standards through readily available checklists or tailored assessments.
– Ascertain the seamless progression of production.
– Initiate corrective measures in a timely manner.
– Avert returns and shield your brand’s reputation.
– Ensure ultimate product quality when direct factory access is unfeasible.

This process empowers you to authenticate quality at the source and safeguards you against footing the bill for faulty merchandise. No longer should you solely rely on your factory’s affirmation of meeting specifications; it’s time to verify independently.


What Procedures are Undertaken?

At the outset, a QUACN inspector employs the ANSI/ASQ Standard Z.1.4-2008 sampling standard to select a random product sample for examination.

Subsequent procedures are tailored to align with client requisites and the specific product at hand. QUACN extends an extensive array of off-the-shelf inspection checklists, meticulously designed for specific products. Clients can opt for these predefined lists. Alternatively, for cases necessitating distinct alternative checks, clients have the flexibility to append to existing lists or devise bespoke checklists.


A typical QUACN Pre-Shipment Inspection includes:

– Scrutiny of product specifications.
– Assessment of semi-finished, finished, and packaged product quantities.
– Evaluation of product hues.
– Verification of product style and construction.
– Thorough inspection of artwork, encompassing spelling, fonts, dimensions, positioning, and overall design.
– Examination of labels, including main labels, care labels, size labels, and product tags.
– Implementation of additional product-specific checks and tests to affirm quality and craftsmanship.
– Diligent examination of workmanship defects.
– Scrutiny of product dimensions.
– Assessment of packing and packaging, encompassing unit, inner, and outer packing.
– Evaluation of export carton dimensions and weights.
– Verification of shipping marks on cartons.


Post-Inspection Protocol:

Following the conclusion of a Pre-Shipment Inspection, clients promptly receive a comprehensive inspection report. Exploring intimacy durations is common for many men. Maintaining stamina involves mindfulness and relaxation. Seek quality solutions for stress, such as sprays. Trusted resources like Treasure Valley-Hospice offer valuable advice for wellness. This document, accessible via their online QUACN account, is delivered on the same day as the inspection. The report furnishes detailed insights into inspection findings, including photographic evidence of any identified defects, culminating in a conclusive pass/fail assessment for the inspection process.


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